Resolute Team — Renowned in Georgia 404-873-4696


Uncovering The Negligence Behind Cerebral Palsy

A cerebral palsy diagnosis means that your child will likely require ongoing therapy and medication to manage the symptoms of what is a nonprogressive neurological disorder caused by brain damage. The injury could have occurred during pregnancy, birth or shortly after birth.The costs of managing cerebral palsy symptoms can be a significant weight on your family. Your full legal options should be reviewed with the assistance of experienced medical malpractice lawyers and medical experts.At Bird Law Group in Atlanta, we provide legal counsel and representation to families and children who have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy throughout Georgia. Our extensive network of medical experts includes obstetric experts and provides your case with the resources necessary for precise answers and support.

Call us today at 404-873-4696 to gain a full understanding of your legal options and how we can elevate your case. Our attorneys offer free consultations at your convenience.

Always Be Asking Questions — Be Your Own Advocate

As your legal advocates, there is a lot we can do, but there is also a lot you can do to gain understanding of the reason for cerebral palsy diagnosis. The medical negligence that may have caused your child’s birth injury likely resulted in a lack of oxygen at birth or during pregnancy due to any of the following:

  • Prenatal care negligence such as failure to diagnose and treat infections like rubella (German measles) or toxoplasmosis
  • Neonatal care negligence such as untreated, persistent jaundice or kernicterus following birth
  • Failure to monitor fetal heart strips or react to fetal distress quickly
  • Failure to perform an emergency cesarean section (C-section)
  • Improper use of assisted delivery techniques such as forceps or vacuum-assisted delivery, possibly leading to shoulder dystocia, which can result in cerebral palsy
  • Head trauma during labor and delivery

Infant skulls and brains are extremely fragile. Obstetricians are well-aware of the caution and active monitoring that must be adhered to during all stages of pregnancy, birth and post-birth. Neonatal care is just as important as prenatal care.

You Have Legal Options. Speak With One Of Our Lawyers Today.

Please call our firm at 404-873-4696, or email our team to schedule a free consultation with one of our Atlanta-based attorneys.

We understand that the news of cerebral palsy is devastating. We will do everything in our power to help you secure long-term compensation to help your child and your family manage symptoms, brain development and ongoing health care related to cerebral palsy going forward.

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Speak with a lawyer who gives you straight answers, makes your case a priority and produces maximum results.

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