Resolute Team — Renowned in Georgia 404-873-4696


Your Compensation Under Premises Liability Law

An unsafe property condition at a home or a business is an accident waiting to happen. In Georgia, our civil justice system can hold property owners accountable when their negligence results in a serious injury to a guest or someone else who is on their property legally. This area of law is known as premises liability.The Atlanta-based attorneys at the Bird Law Group represent people who are injured due to unsafe property conditions at homes, businesses, apartments, construction sites and other settings.
If you or someone you love has been injured due to an unsafe property condition, please call 404-873-4696 for a free initial consultation with an experienced lawyer.

Was The Property Owner Aware Of The Danger?

Just because you are injured on someone else’s property does not mean that the property owner’s insurance company will pay for your medical bills, lost wages and other damages.

To recover maximum compensation, you need to prove:

  1. The property was unsafe.
  2. The property owner was aware of the unsafe condition or should have been aware.
  3. The property owner did not take steps to correct it.

It’s important to speak with an experienced lawyer as soon as possible after the accident to collect and preserve evidence of liability.

The following are examples of the types of premises liability cases our attorneys handle with customized representation for your unique case:

  • Trip-and-fall accidents caused by cracked or uneven sidewalks
  • Slip-and-fall accidents caused by wet floors or spills
  • Negligent security such as inadequate lighting or missing security cameras
  • Construction accidents caused by unsafe structures
  • Injuries to home health workers and utility workers due to unsafe conditions at private homes
  • Injuries caused by defective maintenance or upkeep in apartments or common areas of condos
  • Sexual assault with access gained from missing door locks, window locks or inadequate security in a hotel, parking area or any other establishment

Injuries suffered at a business are usually covered by general business liability insurance. Injuries at private homes are usually covered by homeowners insurance.

Get Immediate Help With Your Injury Claim

To discuss the circumstances surrounding your accident with one of our attorneys, please contact us by email, or call us at 404-873-4696 to schedule a free consultation.

Get Answers From Attorneys Who Care

Speak with a lawyer who gives you straight answers, makes your case a priority and produces maximum results.

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    All cases are pursued on a contingency fee basis. We cover all upfront costs of litigation.

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