Resolute Team — Renowned in Georgia 404-873-4696


Victim Of Sexual Assault?

While the criminal justice system exists to punish the perpetrator of sexual assault, it does little to help the victim to put their life back together. If you feel the criminal justice system has failed you, the civil justice system and our attorneys may be able to help. At the Bird Law Group in Atlanta, our lawyers represent people who have been injured due to the wrongful actions of another in a variety of situations. If you are a victim of sexual assault or another sex crime, please call us at 404-873-4696 to learn more about your legal options.

Those responsible for the assault can be held accountable for damages you have suffered, such as medical expenses, lost wages, emotional distress, pain and suffering, counseling, and more.

Helping To Put Your Life Back Together

While the criminal justice system exists to punish criminals, the civil justice system is about obtaining compensation for victims. Damages are typically paid by the insurance company of the responsible parties. Responsible parties may include the perpetrator and others whose negligence allowed the assault to happen, including property owners, security companies and event organizers.

Here are a few examples of the types of sexual assault claims we can help you secure financial compensation from:

  • Sexual assault of a patient while he or she is under anesthesia
  • Rape in a parking lot due to negligent security
  • Sexual assault in a public place due to inadequate lighting
  • Rape in a hotel room or apartment due to missing or malfunctioning door or window locks
  • Sexual assault by a doctor or psychiatrist
  • A sexual offense by a person in a position of authority such as a police officer, minister, coach or teacher
  • Sexual assault of a vulnerable person

While the legal system cannot undo the harm you have suffered, the civil justice system can provide compensation to help you move on. It can also provide a strong motivation to those responsible to prevent future attacks.

Get Immediate Help Following A Sexual Assault

Learn more about your legal options from one of our highly experienced attorneys. Please email us directly, or call us at 404-873-4696 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. We look forward to speaking with you.

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